“From the first daub of paint on a canvas I knew what I really wanted to do with my life was paint”
… and so it all began for Shirley, the wrong side of fifty, so much to learn, to achieve, to absorb which made the whole journey that much more thrilling with not a moment to lose. Shirley attempts to paint energy and passion which tell stories, share emotions, involve the viewers so as to get them to see and experience what she has been moved to paint.
Shirley has won various awards over the last fifteen years and has been published in an international book on still life. She has also been featured in the SA Artist Magazine and had work included in the collections of notable collectors. For Shirley, her best affirmation to date has been having one of her works used on the set of Anant Singh’s movie “A long walk to freedom”.
“I don’t know where my journey will end. Each day a new beginning, a new insight as I drink in the sights and sounds of life, a life which I embrace to the fullest, and the living and sharing of which I hope will give you, the viewer, as much enjoyment in the viewing as I, the painter have in the painting.”